Here's the builder-basic "Before":

There's nothing wrong with it, per se, but it's definitely nothing fancy or inspiring. With a little elbow grease Cheryl certainly made this kitchen a happy place, if one absolutely must wash dishes...
Here's the happy "After":

It's great that all she really had to do was paint the cabinetry and add new hardware (which, depending on your current hardware, may even be able to get a dose of spraypaint for a totally thrifty makeover). The tile backsplash, the countertop, the appliances, the flooring, is all the same!

Isn't it great? All she needs now, imo, is a fabulous window treatment and she's got one charming kitchen! I really like her version of the open shelving, too. It's a fun look to try out, but sometimes it's just a little too open for my taste and function. Cheryl's one lucky gal, however, with the symmetry of cabinets featuring an oven and microwave in the center - it was a good call to keep the doors on the smaller upper cabinet. Now there's brightness, balanced visual weight, and a beautiful showcase for her pretty servingware.
How about you? Seen any fanTABulous kitchen makeovers lately? Any amazing paint rehab projects you'd like to share?