So, I'm all about keeping it real on this blog. At first, I wasn't ready to show the world my less-than-perfect-work-in-progress abode (resulting thus far in the lack of personal spaces and do-it-yourself projects with less than stellar photos). In my mind, things need to be as perfect as possible before showcasing it to the world. However, as I perused some of my favorite design blogs this morning, I had an apostrophe. I mean an epiphany. Lighting just struck my brain (10 points if you can name that movie).
People love Before and Afters!
I mean, don't you? And what's the point if all I ever show you are "afters"? Bor-ring! Plus, we're not all Martha, right? But we can create a home that's warm, inviting and functional. So, I'm keeping it real, I mean really real. And I'm going to show you how my house actually looks right...now. *gulp* Okay, maybe not my entire house, mostly just the laundry room, because that's the next area that I'm determined to undertake in my attempt to declutter and organize my home for the new year. Why is it the next area that I'm going to tackle? Because I just got done doing a load of towels when I stood back and realized, "Ugh."
Yup, that about sums it up.
This is not my laundry room...

neither is this...

...or this.

Yup. This is it...

and this...

...please tell me yours at least sort of resembles my laundry room and not one of those ridiculously gorgeous rooms mentioned above...

So you see, there's no sugar coating these things. I've decided that I want to help inspire y'all to lead beautiful, serene, clutter-free lives full of design potential, twinkle lights, Kumbaya-esque songs, fluffy unicorns...
Okay, so really I just want people, real people, to read my blog and know that they're not alone in the lack of Better Homes and Gardens features currently residing in their home. I'm showing what it really looks like before, I'll show you the progress, and finally the "wow" moment when we can all stare at a perfectly lit, beautifully staged, drool worthy laundry room...until my two-year-old decides to "help" mama wash her Poohbear. Then, all bets are off.