So yeah, more iPhone pics, but you get the idea. :) Had a day of thrifting without a ton of luck (why does no one donate anything purple?) but thought I'd share what I spied so you could live vicariously. You're welcome.
OoOooh, ahhhh. Bright orange glassy goodness. Didn't bring it home 'cause I ain't gots no where to put this baby, but it sure is purdy. And I forgot to put my non-manicured hand in the photo for size reference, but she'd look great on a coffee table. Just one dolla!
Mmmmm, this glass was the perfect turquoise in person, and for $.50 I brought this one home with me to keep track of my rings near the kitchen sink. I don't know why, but it kinda worries my hubby when I lose momentarily misplace my wedding ring...go fig.
I really liked this cut glass bell dome, but there was no base and I just couldn't figure out what the heck to do with it. My fav part is that the very top handle was cut into a diamond shaped pattern - sooOoo pretty!
Did you know that your salad fork will be on the outside of your dinner fork and that your dessert fork will be at the top of your plate? Apparently. I couldn't resist picking up this little aqua conversation book. My paternal grandmother would be proud.
My darling girl loving her book time at the D.I. It's her favorite part...beside the toy aisle. And playing in the clothing racks. And pretending to take a nap on the bunk bed display. And playing "don't get me!" in the yard area. Yeah. Good times.

So then to the clothing. The color was a lot less pukey in person, and it caught my eye from three racks over. Wouldn't you know, it's a Vera Wang tunic? For $10...
...brand new! Orig. $58, probably bought on sale for $32 or something...and it was my size! But ladies, I've realized this is not the best cut for my bod. She had to stay...*sniff*
Enter totally cute floral skirt. I was in love with this print, and that's saying a lot because I don't think I own a single floral print anything! It was a little short for me, but I thought it would be really cute with leggings or to take poolside. You know, when I'm wearing my cute new floral mini, gold hoops the size of my head, about thirty bangles, and my Jimmy Choos. That's how I roll. What? Like that's not how you dress to go swimming...
Moving much as I loved this print, the pockets, the wide pleats, this little darling did noth-thing for my figure. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nada. The list goes on. So sad. So sad that I didn't even take a pic of me in it. I may have cried a little.
Here I am with a super soft Christopher & Banks skirt. It was majorly comfy, but I realized that the buttons might pucker a bit when I sit down. *sigh* On the bright side, my daughter decided we were having an impromptu modeling shoot and struck a pose. I just...wanna...squeeeeeze her!
I was intensely enamoured with this skirt. It was made from recycled wool, was a soft gray and lavender weave (gah, photo does not do this skirt justice!), lavender zipper, and it was high waisted and below the knee! Gimme! Only problem? I was totally sucking it in in this photo. I need to lose about five pounds all from my stomach to make this baby work...and I almost bought it anyway. I'm still tempted to go back and get it, but...I'm trying to be good. Not buying anything I can't utilize right away. So, so sad. Cry for me. Go on. It's tragic.
Well, that's about it! I have another fun find that I'll be sharing very soon, but I was super duper thrilled to find it. You have no idea. But, you will! Soon! :)

Well, that's about it! I have another fun find that I'll be sharing very soon, but I was super duper thrilled to find it. You have no idea. But, you will! Soon! :)