*sigh* Yes, it was a jeans and t-shirt/sweater day. And also, please let me apologize for the awful photos. This may hurt a little...

So here's another day of winter remixing. Today was a casual day: running errands, visiting neighbors, playing with my daughter, brushing out knots from my cat's fluffy mop of a coat. Glamorous, you say? Oh yeah. I'm living the dream.
Actually, today was a really good day. My hubby decided to surprise me by arranging for babysitters and taking me to Indian food and "Tangled". Cute, right? Love you, Sweetie.
So, I wish I had a super cute "date outfit" to share, but seeing as the hubs literally came home from work with the babysitters (his younger sisters), I didn't really have time to change into something more suitable.

And, the bum shot...

{sweater} Old Navy clearance - $2.49 (seriously...triple clearance discount - woot!)
{jeans} Refuge Premium
{belt} Maurices clearance - about $6
{scarf} Walmart - $5
Well, there ya go. It's a simple ensemble - I really do love a good pair of comfy jeans, especially with a punchy scarf. And for five bucks?! Seriously, go buy one in every color. They make great wraps when you're out on the town.
So how about you? What floats your fashionable boat? Jeans and t-shirt? Don't leave home in anything other than heels? Chillin' in sweats whenever possible?
{top image courtesy of Marie Claire}