Let's talk about "fabulous" for a moment, shall we?
Exhibit A: Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne's house. Hello, Beautiful! Who knew their home would look so ridiculous (translation: so totally fabulous that it blows your mind)!

I'm drooling (intensely) over the velvet chaise
(above) with the pale aqua throw and grey accents. *sigh*

The softer side of Ozzy. Can you believe this is their master bedroom? It seems Sharon has a good handle on the design choices around the house. Lovin' that they kept things from being too serious by using different bedside tables and chairs.

Is it weird that my favorite thing about the master bath is the giant clam shell? Okay, I also like that they juxtaposed the super clean look with a wooden Moroccan side table.

Not big on the cherub dude in the back, but I'll take everything else in this room. I really like that they have great antique art pieces and furniture (see the edge of that great end table on the right?) mixed with some fun choices like purple velvet and white tufted leather.

Wow. Can you imagine holiday dinners at this table? Someday I'll have a fireplace in my dining room, too.
Coming up next, a huge photo collage frame gone wrong, and what I did to salvage the project...
Tags: purple, velvet, aqua, turquoise, antique, celebrity, feminine decor