Step 2: DONATE
I could say that Step 2 is to procrastinate. Or have so much stuff that it takes you five months just to get to this step. Buuuuut, I won't say it.
So! Now that you've finished decluttering and you're on your way to a neater, more spacious home, it's time to pass on the goods to others in need. It's time to donate! Ideally, all those items that are in good condition should be donated to a local shelter, donation center or organization (or lucky BFF) that can offer the items to those who can make good use of them.
Most of us have heard of the Goodwill and Salvation Army, but did you know there are oodles (it's a real number, seriously) of other great places to donate your goods...?
Got cases of old books? Vintage (or older) books may sell at consignment or antique shops. Other books, especially children/teen books, are most welcome at your local city library or school.

Found a few old prom dresses in your closet? Make a young girl's dream by contacting Donate Your Dress.
Take a peak at GEApplicances or call your local power company for a list of national companies willing to cart away old appliances free of charge. My hubby and I had an old model freezer carted away for free and even got a $25 credit towards our next electric bill for recycling a power gorging beast of an appliance. Rawr.
Got some really nice "junk"? Here's a few ideas on how to earn a little green (cash) while being green (donating/recycling):
* Check out eBay, Craigslist, and other local classifieds (mine is ksl.com) - you may be amazed at what will sell, and for how much!
* Whether you're in a small town or urban city, you've probably got a few consignment shops around town. Sell your vintage and well-made craft items there.

* Two words: garage sale! It's an old concept, but with a little legwork (clear and concise signs, local news ad, well priced items) you can make some dough and have less to haul away to the donation center. Even better, invite other neighbors to join in. You can advertise as a "multi family" sale and have loads more stuff for people to rummage through = more stuff for them to buy!

Did you go hog wild and whirlwind through your house/garage/storage unit/yard and now have more stuff than you care to even deal with? Contact 1-800-Got-Junk - they'll haul just about anything away for you. Plus, you gotta love a service guy in a polo and tight pants. Go ladies...find some stuff to have hauled away!
Need some more ideas on where to take your stuff? Check this out for swell ideas on where and how.
Happy Donating!
P.S. Don't know what the heck The Five D's are all about? Check out the first posts on Decluttering and The Five D's.
{photos courtesy of promdresspicture, sweetabode, 1800GotJunk}