Okay, eeew. Yeah, that's what I first thought when I opened up this little thrifted jewelry box last week. Eeew. I even put it back on the rolling cart (it hadn't even "gone out" on the floor yet). But then I started thinking...the best Before and After project comes from the worst "before", right? So I started thinking...
Sanding and painting this little darling would be a no brainer.

But what to do about the disgusting innards?

Why, I would simply rip that grossness right out!

Um, yuck. Seriously gross. I've already sanded (my least favorite part) the entire box, and ripped the insides out. The glue is intense, so I'm going to have to use a small dremel to get the last of it out. I'm itching to paint this little jewelry box for my daughter, so stay tuned! I'll have the fanTABulous "after" very soon!