Hope you have all had a really great week, my friends! I've been a little MIA visiting my family in not-so-sunny southern California. I loved wearing my flip flops and denim skirt the first two days I was there, but alas, it was not to last. Crazy dumb spring storms! It was pouring over the weekend and chilly the rest of the time. We did brave the Magic Kingdom on our second to last day, and despite some chilly winds, had a really great time. It was so amazing to watch our little daughter light up with the prospect of meeting Pluto or riding the elephant (Dumbo). She now also has a greater appreciation for Mickey and Minnie Mouse and asks to play with her new figurines regularly. So cute!

I'll be back tomorrow with some great new thrifty finds and a couple finished projects I've been working on. Whoo hoo! Until then, have a magical day!