Is tomorrow REALLY February 1st? Ugh. Do you know what that means? It means I definately need to take down my Christmas tree (yeah, yeah...I know. But I have a good excuse: I promised my mom, who is visiting from California, that I would leave the tree up until we celebrated Christmas together. Gotta get on that...). BUT! It also means that the Kendi's spring 30 for 30 Remix starts tomorrow!
Okay, I've gotta get my items together and take some photos. Be nice and I might include my face in a few. Or maybe it's "be nice and I won't include my face" - ha! Cause folks, this is not me...

Neither is this...

Um, yeah. Not so much.

No worries, the clothes are sure to outshine anything from the neck up. That, or Photoshop will take care of it (a little cropping here and there). *wink*
Wish me luck!
{images courtesty of Victoria's Secret}