I don't necessarily like to collect lots of things. I don't do it on purpose. In fact, I really love a home or office/studio that is spacious, clutter free and totally organized. In my mind I am Type A. In practice, I'm........Type Q, or something.

The first is: DECLUTTER. Here's how my decluttering is going: I've decided to begin with my clothes because I think that's where the majority of my family's excess lies. Honestly, it's an overwhelming undertaking for me simply because we have so much! I keep sending stuff to the local D.I. (Deseret Industries donation center) and yet, the piles never seem to go down. I'm still holding on to things that I don't really love or need anymore, but am keeping because they still have tags, or were designer, or were only worn a couple times, etc.. It's been difficult to just toss or donate clothes, bags, or shoes knowing they're worth solid cash. I've had the good intention of selling them at yard sales or on ebay but just never find the time (I've only managed two yard sales in five years). Hence, I have bins and bags in my closet and garage that I haven't parted with yet. So, in honor of my resolution to become more organized and aware, and to be willing to part with more things that may be worth money in return for a clean, uncluttered and functional home, I have made a pact with myself: As I search room by room to declutter and purge unnecessary items from my little townhome, I vow to set aside all the bags and bins of things I'd like to sell, take photos, and list them on ebay. If they don't sell within two weeks, off to the local donation center they go (I may give my younger sister-in-laws first dibs).

Meanwhile, I'll continue to restrain myself when making purchases, and truly ask myself if it's something I need. No? Then do I love it? And I mean L-O-V-E, shouting from the rooftops love, it. No? Don't buy. Yes? Fine then, buy it...but Self, you are not allowed to bring it home unless you know exactly where it will "live" and you must promise to toss something else out in it's place.
This is my plan and quest for a more spacious, clutter-free home. Plus, take a peek at this post from Defying Gravity (my mom's brand new site on conquering the world one elephant bite at a time) for her fun "Toss Ten" idea. Totally easy. Totally doable. Totally works! Really. Ten may sound like a lot, but it's amazing what really is toss-able, giveaway-able or just plain trash-able!