As usual, meandering around a local DI (thrift store) when to what do my wondering eyes should appear? Oh yes! This fabulous headboard:

I immediately fell in love. I'm serious. Oh sure, he may not be much of a looker right now, but I guarantee with a little microdermabrasion, and a new wardrobe, he's gonna be a hottie!
Only problem is...I didn't bring him home. Please, oh please still be there tomorrow. Oh king-sized headboard, why didn't I ask for your number?

I immediately fell in love. I'm serious. Oh sure, he may not be much of a looker right now, but I guarantee with a little microdermabrasion, and a new wardrobe, he's gonna be a hottie!
Only problem is...I didn't bring him home. Please, oh please still be there tomorrow. Oh king-sized headboard, why didn't I ask for your number?

And guess what nifty large furniture item was marked down, down, down to just $10?

OooOoh yeah! A table - a really lovely table, in fact.

I want this so badly, but I have no place for it. My dining room is non-existent. Maybe I should buy it and make it over to sell. Live vicariously a bit. *sigh*